Find Your Freedom

Develop a higher level of self-esteem and positivity

September 27, 2021 MJ Season 1 Episode 12
Find Your Freedom
Develop a higher level of self-esteem and positivity
Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, Develop a higher level of self-esteem and positivity, I help you uncover why you may have a low self-esteem and steps you can take to develop a higher level of self-esteem and positivity. Get your pen and paper because I ask you three important questions.

No matter what the reason is for having a low self-esteem, there is a solution and I present you with several solutions to boost your self-esteem and change your life.

Here is the link to a study I mention in the podcast. I hope this helps.

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Develop a higher level of self-esteem and positivity

Hello and welcome to the Be A FUCKING Lion podcast! I am your host MJ and I seek to inspire you to live your life full of happiness, good heath, big dreams, and freedom!

Today I want to talk about how you can develop a higher level of self-esteem and positivity. This is crucial in order to be successful at any goal you wish to accomplish but lacking it is keeping you FROM accomplishing the goals. And like all things I talk about, it takes practice and consistency and determination. You’re not going to just wake up one day and have a higher self-esteem. But if you can just start practicing some of the things I am going to tell you, you will be on your way to a self-confident, positive, exuberating ball of happiness!

First lets discover why you are not confident and have a low-self-esteem. I want you to take an honest inventory and give this some thought. Maybe it’s something you buried perhaps. How was your childhood? Researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, published a study in JAMA Pediatrics revealing that positive childhood experiences are just as important as negative ones. I have provided the link to this study. Did you grow up in a loving and nurturing home or a home full of chaos? I myself grew up watching my mother get the living shit beat out of her by all of her boyfriends and sometimes they beat me too. I was never taught how to resolve conflicts but always taught to fight. My mother and sister belittled me all the time and made fun of me when I was just a child. I was never shown or taught love and this carried over into my adulthood. 

Our home environment plays a HUGE role on our brain development and how we enter adulthood. Then when we become adults at the very young age of 18, we are broken, ruined, angry, depressed, and we tend to carry these emotions into our relationships and our personal and professional lives. We choose the wrong men, we don’t hold jobs too well, we turn to alcohol and/or drugs, hang around the wrong crowd, and continue looking for love in all the wrong places. 

Our self-esteems plummet even more because we are not being treated the way we truly desire.  We just keep spiraling out of control. And for some, you may even pick up an emotional eating habit and become overweight. Which is also going to damage your confidence and self-esteem. 

Or maybe you were just not taught good eating habits when you were younger and now you are  overweight as an adult. Being overweight is a confidence killer. What do we do when we are overweight though? EXCUSE it and deny it. Telling ourselves lies like, “big is beautiful” “It’s genetics’ or “this is who I am and people need to accept me for me.” 

While it is true that people need to accept you for you, 9.5 times out of 10 you are just telling yourself this to justify the sadness you are really feeling inside. Nobody has to accept you but you. And once you do, and you gain control of your self-esteem, you will then attract the right kind of people into your life. But you first must get real honest with yourself. 

Let me help you out. Im going to ask you a few questions. Get a pen and paper out or come back to this and write these questions down. Although I know you already know the answer, I still want you to give it some deeper thought. 

  1. When you look at yourself naked in the mirror, how do you feel?
  2. Are you comfortable having sex with the lights on?
  3. Do you look at pictures of fit women or skinnier women and feel jealous? You probably deny the jealousy but you only need to be honest with yourself. Nobody knows how you genuinely feel inside. You need to get real honest with yourself.

The good news is, being overweight can be fixed with diet and exercise. Which brings me to solution #1 for how you can develop a higher level of self-esteem. And this pertains to everybody no matter how big or how small you are. 

Diet and exercise. I know you already know this but are you doing it? And this also goes for those of you who aren’t overweight. Diet and exercise is scientifically proven to boost your mental health and self-esteem. It does take time to get the Body of your dreams but you will feel the emotional benefits instantaneously. When you eat better you feel better also. Start eating healthier. Our diet plays a HUGE role on our emotional well being. 

Exercise boosts your mood, improves your sleep, and helps you deal with depression, anxiety, and stress. People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it gives them an enormous sense of well-being. They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives. I know this is something you probably already know but are you taking action? If you want to improve your self-esteem and rain positivity, this is the recipe! 

OK OK , maybe your aren’t ready to jump into diet and exercise first? Well then you need to start working on your mindset. And since you are listening to this, you have already started doing this. Congratulations, you are headed in the right direction.  Here are some other tips you can do right now to start boosting your self-esteem.

Talk to yourself positively. You must turn every negative thought into a positive one. Tell yourself you are beautiful, worthy, and powerful. Practice this daily. Write yourself notes and stick them on your mirror. Listen to daily affirmations and say them out loud. Write them down. You don’t have to believe you are, you just have to start making yourself believe you are until you truly do believe. 

I talk about this next one a lot and I’m going to say it again. Set some damn goals. It is proven that us humans feel happiest when we accomplish goals we feel a sense of meaning and purpose. When you accomplish a goal, even a small goal, you will have an increase in pride and happiness. Again, this is scientifically proven. 

Give. When you help others, it promotes physiological changes in the brain linked with happiness. It just FEELS good doing good for others. You can do this in the sense of volunteering for something you hold dear to your heart, opening the door for a stranger, donating money to a charity, complimenting a stranger, or even something so small like letting a car get over into your lane. Just start practicing doing more good for others. No matter how small the good deed is. No good deed goes unpunished. It’s a win win for you and the reciprocating person. 

Be careful what you put into your mind. This includes music, the people you hang out with, and what you watch. Read more books than getting on social media, listen to podcasts or motivational YouTube videos in your car instead of music, unless it is music that makes you feel good. Music tends to bring up old memories or the lyrics in music are not very positive. For me, I like to listen to jazz to relax and feel good. When Im working out I listen to house or EDM music. I love old school R&B but that always brings up past memories. I am in a better state of mind now though, thankfully. 

Get rid of anything and anybody who isn’t contributing to your mental health in a good way…PERIOD. Misery loves company but you are tired of being miserable so find yourself better company and watch how fast you start to change for the better. 

And last but not least, talk to someone. This could be a counselor, a good friend, a family member, or someone from your church or any trusted person. If you have any unresolved issues from your past, you need to resolve them. Talking to somebody helps and you must unbottle all of those emotions in order to start the healing process. Whether the chicken comes before the egg is up to you, meaning there is no particular order of these steps I am talking about. For some people, working on their mindset first lead them to start exercising and exercising lead them to changing their eating habits. For others they start with exercising that then opens the door to working on their mindset more. And for some people, they just need to talk to someone. 

Nobody is responsible for making you feel good but you. Nobody can raise your self-esteem and boost your confidence but you. Sure, people can compliment you and say nice things that will temporarily make you feel good, but until you deal with the issues inside you, you will still be battling the fight against yourself. 

I hope I said something that clicked. I know your pain. I have worked for 11 years now reinventing myself, raising my self-esteem and sef-worth, and getting to this peaceful place I am now. I want you to know that you too can do it.  This is the Be A Fucking Lion Podcast so find yourself some damn courage, put on your big girl pants and fucking take massive action to healing yourself and owning your self-esteem and rock that confidence. Confidence looks sexy on you  and you should wear it proudly girlfriend. 

If I said something you liked, helped you in any way or you just enjoy my podcast, please help me out by leaving a rating, a comment, and sharing with your friends. You cam follow me on instagram and twitter at mj_fitandfierce. Please email me any topic requests you have to

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